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    • 更新時(shí)間:  2023-05-24
    • 產(chǎn)品型號:  ADSS-12B1--400PE
    • 簡(jiǎn)單描述
    • adss光纜廠(chǎng)家ADSS-12B1--400PE光纜*

    adss光纜廠(chǎng)家ADSS-12B1--400PE光纜*  北京*









    .  直徑小,自重輕、跨距可達1500M,對塔的附加荷載低;

    .  可選PE/AT護套,防電腐蝕性能;

    .  主要用于已有110KV以下電壓等線(xiàn)路增加光通道,快速建網(wǎng);

    .  采用芳綸纏繞,使光纜具有高的抗拉強度和應力應變特性以及*的防彈性能;

    .  溫度適應范圍廣,線(xiàn)膨脹系數小,滿(mǎn)足惡劣環(huán)境要求;

    .  非金屬結構,絕緣性能好,防雷電,可不停電施工,電力線(xiàn)路故障不影響光纜的正常傳輸。


    The fibers, 250μm, are positioned in a loose tube made of a high modulus plastic. The tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. A steel wire, sometimes sheathed with polyethylene (PE) for cable with high fiber count, locates in the center of core as a metallic strength member. Tubes (and fillers) are stranded around the strength member into a compact and circular cable core. The cable core is filled with the filling compound to protect it from water ingress, over which a thin PE inner sheath is applied. After the PSP is longitudinally applied over the inner sheath, the cable is completed with a PE outer sheath.


            · Good mechanical and temperature performance

            · High strength looes tube that is hydrolysis resistant

            · Special tube filling compound ensure a critical protection of fiber

            · Crush resistance and flexibility

            · The following measures are taken to ensure the cable watertight:

                    - Steel wire used as the central strength member

                    - Loose tube filling compound

                    - cable core filling

                    - PSP enhancing moisture-proof

                    - Water-blocking material


            GYTY53 cable complies with Standard YD/T 901-2001as well as IEC 60794-1.


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